• Question: why do we get hungry

    Asked by gabbie romany POTTERHEADS to Hannah, Joanna, Joe, Luis, Vincent on 16 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Hannah Grist

      Hannah Grist answered on 16 Jun 2016:

      The feeling of being hungry is your body telling you it needs some fuel :-).

      It is normally started when your stomach is empty. That is why you might associate it with a gurgling noise or feeling a bit sick, because your stomach is squeezing itself to check there is nothing in there. It then sends a message to your brain to tell you it wants some food put in!

      When you are hungry, you may find that other things change as well: for example, your sense of smell becomes much better when you are hungry, to help you find food.

    • Photo: Joe Nunez-Mino

      Joe Nunez-Mino answered on 16 Jun 2016:

      Just in the same way that you need to put fuel in a car, our bodies need energy which comes from food. When we run low on energy we need to eat to build our energy up again
