• Question: What was your most fierce animal you have came across?

    Asked by 696ecyf44 to Joe, Hannah on 11 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Joe Nunez-Mino

      Joe Nunez-Mino answered on 11 Jun 2016:

      In my experience most animals are not fierce and are only aggressive if they feel cornered or under attack in some way. I have had many unpleasant encounters with wasps, the worst being a day when I bumped my head on a wasp nest that was hanging above me. I can tell you they definitely know how to defend themselves and I definitely knew how to run.

      I have come across potentially very dangerous animals such as pit vipers and they have never been aggressive in any way at all.

    • Photo: Hannah Grist

      Hannah Grist answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I used to stay on an island in winter, and there were hundreds of seals having pups at the same time. Seals are lovely, but they are also very big with huge teeth, and don’t like having strangers near their babies! Once I was walking when it was dark, and I jumped over a wall straight on to a huge seal that was bigger than me. She chased me down the path, and I was pretty scared, because they can move much faster than you think! I made sure I walked a different way next time :-).
