• Question: what is the most complected environment you have ever worcked on

    Asked by hazel to Joanna on 12 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Joanna Bagniewska

      Joanna Bagniewska answered on 12 Jun 2016:

      When I was working in South Africa, I was trying to figure out if I can use animal tracks to figure out how many cape foxes, bat-eared foxes and black-backed jackals there are in the area. It turned out however that this is not so simple, because the smaller foxes would try to only use the territories where there were no bigger jackals – so if we saw jackal tracks, we would not see foxes’ (even though they would still be around). In that way, the more species you have in an environment, the more complicated it is, because you have to consider more interactions between them.
