• Question: what do you hate

    Asked by lion73 to Hannah on 22 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Hannah Grist

      Hannah Grist answered on 22 Jun 2016:

      Hmm, that’s a tricky question. In science, or just generally?

      In science, I hate having to do really complicated models on the computer. Some of the other scientists on here are really good at this, but I’m not very good at maths. I find it difficult, and I don’t like feeling stupid because I don’t understand. Fortunately there are some people who can help me, and it doesn’t mean I can’t be a good scientist.

      In general, I hate it when people judge other people all the time, or are really negative. I think life would be much more fun if we were a bit nicer to other people, and stopped making them feel bad so much. Maybe they would do the same to us.

      Oh, and wasps. I hate wasps.
