• Question: how many people have landed on the moon

    Asked by Jade and Freya RULE ! to Hannah on 16 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Hannah Grist

      Hannah Grist answered on 16 Jun 2016:

      It’s a cool question! In total, only 12 people have ever landed and walked on the moon. 24 people have been on the spaceships that went to the moon, but some had to stay behind in the ship, and never got to actually touch the surface!
      Humans have only ever left the earth’s orbit to go to the moon (people in the space station still circle round earth), so those people have also travelled the furthest into space, and are the only ones to set foot on a surface that isn’t our planet. All other space travel hasn’t had a human on board.
      I sometimes think if I hadn’t been a biologist, it would have been awesome to be an astronaut: can you imagine seeing the earth from space?!
